Full time application view



Name: Adela

Nationality: Czech

Languages: English, German

Birthday: October 11, 1991

Possible start: March 27, 2022

Work position: Show groom, Home groom

Driving license: Car (B)

Show experiences: 3*-4*

Years of work experiences: 4-5


Pets: No

Smoker: No

Own car: No


Grooming skills: Clipping, Plaiting, Lunging, First aid, injections, Stable management, Leg care (clay, icing, night bandages, hoof cussions)

Riding: Hack out


Sweet girl, looking for a calm place, with kind boss, where she can stay long term.
She has experiences from international shows, both dressage and show jumping. Have been working and living in Switzerland for 5 years, has permits already. Likes to work on her own and is able to take sole charge of everything.