Full time application view



Name: Daniela

Nationality: Czech republic

Languages: Czech italian english

Birthday: February 2, 1980

Possible start: March 1, 2022

Work position: Home groom, Home rider, Stable worker

Driving license: Car (B)

Show experiences: National

Years of work experiences: more then 5


Pets: Dog

Smoker: No

Own car: Yes


Grooming skills: Clipping, Plaiting, Handling young horses, Handling stallions, Lunging, Stable management, Leg care (clay, icing, night bandages, hoof cussions)

Riding: Hack out, Basic flat exercise, Good quality flat work, Gymnastic, Young horse training, Dressage home rider


Very experienced groom and also rider. She doesn’t want to compete or jump anymore.
Looking for a nice team, where she could live and work for a long time.