Full time application view



Name: Alexandra

Nationality: Hungarian

Languages: English, Hungarian

Birthday: February 24, 1997

Possible start: February 1, 2023

Work position: Show groom, Home groom

Driving license: Car (B)

Show experiences:

Years of work experiences: more then 5


Pets: Dog

Smoker: No

Own car: Yes


Grooming skills: Plaiting, Handling young horses, Handling stallions, Lunging, Leg care (clay, icing, night bandages, hoof cussions)

Riding: I don’t want to ride, Good quality flat work, Dressage home rider


Sweet personality, she worked 5 years as a teacher in riding school. Now she would like to start on home/show groom position, she is happy to learn new things. She is a team player, but also don’t mind to work alone. She can ride a little bit, but doesn’t have to. She has a small well behaved dog.